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International Women's Day 2022 - Fantaisie

Tuesday March 8th 2022Share page

Liv Lorent on Breaking the Bias

Thinking about breaking bias.

 The qualities of sensuality, charisma and elegance stay with a woman, whatever her age. 

I don’t see many representations of women as vital and sexually relevant post the age of 50. 

The sophistication and physical nuance and understanding of ones’ body is often celebrated in men, but I think it is underrepresented in women, and I don’t understand why.

This solo is our contribution to offering another perspective on women and their value.

Fantaisie is a solo I have made on Caroline Reece that celebrates some of the elements about her as a dancer and a woman that I admire greatly. When we began working together in 1996 Caroline was 32 years old. We are both considerably older now, but at 58 her sensual power in her dancing and being is undiminished by the decades that have passed. She is her age, and yet we see her beautiful physicality is as glorious as ever.

For this solo we have deliberately let the movement and fabric be the adornment. There has been no hairdresser, make-up artist or manicure involved in the making of Fantaisie. I believe Caroline exists as a beautiful being without the incredible commercialised grooming older women appear to have to subscribe to in an endeavour to capture youth. For Fantasisie it was important to celebrate ageless beauty without any plastic or polish.

I made this to capture her now, Caroline in this time, and to share with you how I see her, and many women. Vivid with experience, and older, yes, but with nothing lost. Just different qualities gained, and every bit as relevant and worthy of our love and respect. 


Dancer - Caroline Reece
Choreography - Liv Lorent
Music - Albie Crompton
Costume & Set - balletLORENT Archive Creative
Partners - Debbi Purtill, Geoff Hopson & Gavin Coward
Film & Editing - Emily Crozier
With thanks to Michael Morgan, Ben Crompton & Lou Duffy