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Work experience week- Posie

Friday July 14th 2023Share page

This week I have been attending my year 10 work experience placement at balletLORENT, during which I took part in a large variety of activities. I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this week and loved everything they planned for me to do. I spent time during this week learning about the different parts of marketing among many other jobs in the performing arts industry including admin work and film making.  

Sitting down with their social media manager and learning about how they market this shows and classes as well as seeing the different softwares they use to do this was one of the highlights of my week as she was always open to answer any questions I had as well as letting me voice my opinion on some of the website design. 

I also got to watch some of the pro dance residency classes they have had going on this week this, which gave me an insiders look into what it many be like to become a professional dancer or a dance teacher. It was extremely enjoyable to watch the dancers have a go on the hoverboards and try out the costumes and choreography from balletLORENT’s multitude of performances. 

They also spent time during this week teaching me what goes on behind the scenes of a production and let me help out with prop making and painting for their future shows. This placement was perfect for me as I am extremely passionate about dance and have always been interested in finding out more about jobs within the performing arts industry and so finding out about all the different jobs you can have while still being involved in dance gave me a more rounded outlook on jobs I may have in the future. BalletLORENT is a very welcoming and inclusive environment to be apart of and any questions my school or I had leading up to the placement were answered quickly. I have truly loved this experience and from it have gained a wider appreciation of the work that goes into creating, staging, marketing and filming a stage show as well as the work that goes into running a successful company.