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Love Struck

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A pharmacist with ambitions to become an inventor meets a daring circus dancer...

An interpretation of Sarah Maitland's Instant Light story commissioned by The Council of the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees, Love Struck is a duet which tells the story of John Walker, the pharmacist from Stockton who invented the friction match, and his imagined encounter with an exuberant circus performer, Vesta, named after the Goddess of the Hearth.

She is an exhibitionist - a gorgeous extrovert with pointe shoes on her feet and ribbons flying from her hands. He is lonely, obsessive and struggling to light his fire. Together, they become accidental alchemists - and the spark between them ignites the way for a beautiful and surprising journey.

Love Struck was a commissioned work by The Council of the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees for Stockton International Riverside Festival in 2015. 

Love Struck was balletLORENT's first outdoor commission.

Love Struck Trailer

Artistic Director Liv Lorent says...

"For me, Love Struck was a timeless story of how serendipity can change a life - and how effort can sometimes be rewarded. Making light, creating fire, and searching for companionship will always be a human desire. We live for those moments of light.

I always loved the idea that a woman can be a muse, and that a romantic encounter between two people can unlock all manner of creative potential. The spark of two opposites - two misfits - and their attraction is the interesting stuff of life as well as legend.
I choreographed Love Struck very much in collaboration with our dancers Gavin Coward and Natalie Trewinnard, and 
balletLORENT's Associate Director Debbi Purtill. We were very grateful to SIRF for having faith in us to take on this commission, and we enjoyed applying our skills to the challenge. It was also so lovely to collaborate with Circus Central who were so generous in sharing their skills with us. We have always welcomed the participation and support of this exciting group of artists."

One of the highlights of the festival was ‘Love Struck’ by balletLORENT which brought the matchmaker's story to life through a stunning combination of ballet and circus skills.

The Northern Echo

Cast & Collaborators

Commission: The Council of the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees
Choreographed by Liv Lorent and Dancers
Music composed by Scott Twynholm
Set Design: Phil Eddolls
Costume Design: Kevin Pollard
Lighting Design: Malcolm Rippeth
Pyrotechnics: Joe Hall
Dancers: Gavin Coward, Natalie Trewinnard and 12 young people from Circus Central, Newcastle who joined the finale
Premiered: Stockton International Riverside Festival

Did you see Love Struck? If so we'd love to hear your feedback, please email with your thoughts.

cast and collaborators

See all of our talented dancers and collaborators, who’ve made Love Struck the spectacular production it is.

Gavin Coward
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Malcolm Rippeth
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Natalie MacGillivray
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Phil Eddolls
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Scott Twynholm
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