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balletLORENT holds at its heart a strong commitment to offering high quality dance experiences to as wide a range of people as possible, through creating diverse and inclusive work for all ages and by designing complementary learning and participation programmes to support each of our productions.


We deliver bespoke workshops, usually themed around our fairytale performance work, which can be tailored to suit any age range and can also complement specific curriculum guidelines. Participants are encouraged to explore different movement styles and respond creatively to choreographic activities.

For more information about the opportunities on offer for schools, or to book workshops, email or call 0191 233 1811

College and University

We offer one-off workshops, masterclasses, longer residences and choreographic commissions based on balletLORENT repertoire to college and university students. Our unique style of dance theatre work is ideal for students from dance, theatre, music and other creative backgrounds.

Our work is typically delivered by two balletLORENT dance artists, bringing participants into direct contact with experienced professionals in the creative dance industry. Our pool of highly talented dancers have individual training and performance experience in such diverse and specific areas as contemporary dance, classical ballet, street dance, yoga and anatomy.

For more information about the opportunities on offer for students, colleges and universities, email or call 0191 233 1811

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